Роддом в алмазова когда проветривание 2018
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For 11 years now, the doctors of the Perinatal Centre have been giving a chance for a healthy life even to the smallest patients. Once again, thanks to the expertise and care taken by the highly qualified team of Almazov Centre, two premature babies born at 23 and 25 weeks with birth weight of and grams, respectively were recently discharged without terrible complications. Now the infants are approaching four months of age, for both of them it has been a difficult path and a whole team of doctors did everything possible to save their lives. Now they can breathe on their own, without a ventilator and respiratory support. Providing enteral nutrition was challenging and there were serious risks of surgical intervention for gastrointestinal emergencies, but this was also avoided. Now the babies have no feeding difficulties, they are growing and acquiring new skills.